My week in pictures #256

Monday, February 12

(from top left) This week we watched all eight episodes of Delicious which I really enjoyed. Finally found somewhere to get my haircut in Aberdeen so I'm much happier with the length now. On Saturday evening I dragged my boyfriend down to see the Spectra festival (a blog post will follow later this week) which was also good. The Scotland game on Sunday was tense but we redeemed ourselves after last week. 
I've managed to get lots done this week, after coming back to Aberdeen on Monday morning I had a busy day of uni followed by a gym day (or morning) on Tuesday. I went along to Body Balance for the first time which was hard and left me very sore the next day but I've booked to go back next week already. 

Wednesday was busy at uni too but I still made it along to Zumba in the afternoon before making risotto for tea with Scott in the evening. On Thursday I managed uni in the morning and the gym at lunch time so I felt like I'd made good effort for the week. 

I ended up in uni until 6pm on Friday because I didn't realised how much work an assessment we were given involved but afterwards I went food shopping, made lasagna for tea and caught up with McMafia. 

On Saturday I finally went to get my haircut and although the weather was awful I was in such a good mood. In the afternoon Scott came round, we went to see Spectra in the evening and picked up a curry on the way home. Sunday was a very lazy day and we only left the house to get food then after we watched the rugby I made a frozen bannoffe cheesecake for dessert. Another lovely weekend spent with my boyfriend to set me up for the week. 

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