My week in pictures #267

Monday, April 30

(from top left) On Friday we went to see the film of the year - just wow! Getting out and about for as many walks as possible this week to relieve the exam boredom. My Gousto box arrived this Sunday so I'm excited to eat well this week. Cheeky Papa Johns on Friday with Scott. 
Bright and early I was back in Aberdeen on Monday morning. I had a few household things to do after being away for two weeks then a revision lecture in the afternoon. The lecture was surprisingly useful and set me on the right track for starting revision on Tuesday. 

To take away from the endless boredom of exam revision I've been to a few classes at the gym (easier to motivated myself if I've already booked them) and kept on top of my steps target too. Mostly this week has been characterised by me being really tired and really hungry all the time though.

I've been excited to see Infinity War since it was announced so on Friday I booked tickets with my flatmate to see it. As a big marvel fan I really enjoyed it... but wow I need to find out what happens next! Saturday I was back at the gym for Zumba then a wander into town in the afternoon to pick up some last minute holiday bits and bobs.

After making a delicious breakfast I got the chance to go out for a long walk on Sunday morning before Scott arrived. Together we went out and did some shopping including a trip round Costco before heading home and ordering pizza.

I've got a busy week coming up with my final exam on Thursday morning, partying with my friends then packing to go on holiday on Saturday. It's getting so close now... 

This week on G is for Gingers: Podcasts I Listen to Every Week

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