5 Things That Made Me Happy This Week #44

Thursday, September 7

I don't seem to be keeping up with these 5 things that made me happy posts... these are 5 things from a few weeks ago but I didn't want to leave this post unpublished. It's just been a crazy few weeks at work and when I'm not at work my laptop doesn't go back on. However, in August we took some time off so lots of the things listed below fell in that week. 

1. A Theatre Night with my Mum

Earlier in the year I saw 'The Ocean at the End of the Lane' was coming to Aberdeen and because my Mum and I loved the books so much I bought tickets for her birthday. We had a lovely wander round the shops and an early dinner before heading to what was an AMAZING production. I keep thinking about how good it was!

2. Seeing the Hard Work in the Garden Pay Off 

During our week off the weather was glorious so I really got to enjoy all the effort I put into the garden in spring and summer. There are so many flowers and butterflies - it's such a nice space to be in. Influenced by Instagram Ads I bought these shells from Shell on Earth to give a nice decorative finish to the pots on the patio. 

3. Having The Whole Family Round for a BBQ

I've wanted to have family round as a little house warming/renovation finishing party for ages but with two deaths in the family this summer there really is no time like the present. It was so nice to have everyone together (including my boyfriends parents) and everything went so well.  

4. Upgrading Our Office Set Up

After over three years of working from home it was about time we upgraded our office set up. I was still using the cheap desk I bought for my student flat so we treated ourselves to standing desks. The ultimate plan for the room is to be a home office with a sofa bed for guests but up to now it's been a bit of a dumping ground. 

5. Being Asked To Be A Bridesmaid

Last weekend I went to Aberdeen to meet my old uni flatmate for lunch - she has move back home now so I've got to take every opportunity to see her. Over the summer she got engaged and I wanted to hear all the details. She also asked me to be a bridesmaid when she get married next summer. So exciting! 

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