Books I Have Read This Year

Wednesday, July 25

Last year I read a pathetic ten books due my dissertation stressing me out so this year I set myself the modest target of twelve on GoodReads. On Sunday I reached my target so I thought I would share with you everything I've read so far this year. 

Neil Gaiman's The Ocean at the End of the Lane

A magical tale about a boy and the girl he meets down the lane and the adventures they have together. This is the first book I read this year and finished it in just a couple of days. The story is pure magic and is one of the best books I've ever ready. You can check out my full review here.

Rating: five stars

Louise Pentland's Wilde Like Me

I watch Louise's videos on YouTube so I wanted to see if her personality came through in her writing too. A story about all the struggles of standing on your own two feet as a single mum with amusing little anecdotes. This book fell a little short for me though - I found it a little bit too autobiographical with a few 'differences' thrown in to make it seem like it wasn't based on Louise Pentland.

Rating: three stars

Giovanna Fletcher's Some Kind of Wonderful

Someone else I follow on social media and read a lot about her new look 'Some Kind of Wonderful' when it came out so I thought I would give it a read. The story is about Lizzy putting her life back together after the man she though she would marry leaves her. The reason I enjoyed this book so much was because I found the main character so inspiring in the way she dealt with the situation. 

Rating: four stars

Veronica Roth's Insurgent

The second book in the divergent trilogy follows Tris and Four as the world as they know it is turned upside down. Once I start a series I like to finish it but honestly I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first book. Tris annoyed me throughout this book - constantly running into danger so other people had to risk their live to save her her. Then Tobias forgiving her so easily every time.

Rating: three stars

Holly Stockport's The Ascension of Melanie Winters

Holly Stockport's is about a girl who discovers her powers when in her first year of university and is forced to live with the consequences and adapt to her new life. I really enjoyed the story of Melanie Winters! Plenty action to keep you turning the pages. You can check out my full review here.

Rating: four stars

Stuart MacBride's Blind Eye

I've been reading the Logan McRae series for a few years now. I love crime fiction and this one is set in Aberdeen so I know all the locations which just adds to my enjoyment. This one is a little more gory than pervious stories but I still find them page turners. 

Rating: four stars

Neil Gaiman's American Gods

The second Neil Gaiman book I've read this year and I loved it almost as much. I wanted to read it before watching the Amazon prime series (which I still haven't got round to yet). The story line is too complex to sum up in a sentence but Neil Gaiman is a genius at creating worlds and characters you won't be disappointed.  

Rating: four stars

Elle Croft's The Guilty Wife

When the man Bethany is having an affair with is murdered it quickly becomes ovbious the killer is trying to frame her. There are very few books in this genre I don't enjoy but this was one of them. I thought this book was a bit unbelievably but I kept reading because I wanted to know 'who did it'. You did find out who the killer was in the end so I guess thats something. 

Rating: three stars

Michelle Frances's The Girlfriend

This book was a recommendation from another blogger so when I saw it was 99p on kindle I downloaded it. When Laura's son brings home his new girlfriend his mum is immediately suspicious and this drives a wedge between her and her son. I was gripped with this story all the way through but couldn't possible see how it could end well for Laura and Daniel. There was nothing over the top or unfeasible about this book which made it a great read.

Rating: four stars

Becca Fitzpatrick's Black Ice

I was out of books to read so my flatmate leant me this one to try. I found the idea of two girls getting caught in the storm and coming across two strange men interesting. They had to stick together or they wouldn't survive. The story kept me guessing until the very end so if you enjoy YA fiction I think you'll enjoy this one. 

Rating: four stars

Stuart MacBride's Dark Blood

Again another book from the Logan McRae series. Something I turn to when I'm not sure what to read next. I enjoyed the complex story line of this book and Logan's character development made me want to read the next one straight away. 

Rating: four stars

Rainbow Rowell's Landline

This is the third Rainbow Rowell I've picked up and loved just as much as Fan Girl and Elenor and Park. Following older characters this one is about Georgie who knows her marriage is in trouble but does she fix it or the let the man she loves be happier without her. I cried a lot when reading it - it was emotional in all the right ways. 

Rating: five stars

Next up I've started the final book in the divergent series 'Allegiant' and I'm enjoyed it so far. I've downloaded a couple of Nick Spalding books for my kindle and have a list as long as my arm from Charlotte's blog post. 

Remember you can keep up with what I'm reading if you give me a follow on GoodReads

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