Garden Update | June 2021

Wednesday, July 14

I should really get better at taking the photos for this blog post throughout the month because I realised when I came to write this post I had hardly any and it rained solidly for a whole week... so that's why this is now a mid-month update post. Oops! 

The first half of June had some lovely warm days and I had a week off work so there was plenty of time to spend in the garden. However, the weather cooled down and the rain started so I retreated inside again. The new grass definitely benefited from the rain though so that's a bonus. 

I was able to sort out my whisky barrel planter at the start of the month. It has daffodils bulbs in it but when they were over I cut them back and planted some colour bedding on top. The big yellow African marigold was reduced from the reduced section of Tesco for only 50p. It was on deaths door but with a good watering it is now thriving again. 

The onions I planted in my fish box planter are also coming on really well and I should see some colour from the sweet peas that are trailing down the outside too. This is where we sit on the bench in the evening so it would be nice to make the area prettier. 
The Chelsea daisies I put in the border beside the patio are now thriving and needing deadheaded regularly. It wasn't intentional but I'm so happy to see all the variation in colours with bright pinks and oranges. The other plants doing well in this area are the Californian poppies I grew from seed (sadly there are only two though) and the bleeding heart plant which has a few flowering heads now. 

The area below the washing line has largely been taken up with Geranium Endressii but last month I also cleared a section for some bedding plants. I've got Cosmos, Asters and Iberis umbellata which I've grown in pervious years. There are also plenty of miniature roses that were already established in the garden and I've been feeding to make sure they look their best.

On the right shows yet more roses which are beautiful but also what a jungle some parts of my garden are. I kind of love it but also know in the next few years we will have to trim everything back to get some more room and maybe have a vegetable patch too. 

At the front door I have this Spiraea Goldflame which is covered in flowers and bees at the moment. I'll keep anything in the garden that the bees love. I've also got another whisky barrel that has been lying around empty for months so I've finally moved it round the front and planted some of the extra Cosmos, Asters, Geraniums and what I think is a type of Ipomoea so hopefully we will see some colour there soon too. 

The thing I'm loving about our new garden is the variety of plants and the way all the colour change from month to month. Looking back to my May update things are completely different now and I'm sure will be completely different in August. 

Catch up with my Garden Update | July 2020

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