5 Things That Made Me Happy This Week #32

Sunday, July 24

I must be honest - the photos for this post have sat in my drafts for a week and I didn't get round to writing the actual post. I thankfully have a week off work so it's taken all the pressure off Sunday and I can just enjoy a lazy day pottering in the house. As a result this will be a combination of a few things that have made me happy over the past few weeks.

1. Starting with the New Kitchen Design

As soon as the wall was taken down in our kitchen/dinning room (see more in a post this week) I wanted to progress with the kitchen design because I wasn't sure how long it would take. Getting some initial CAD drawings back I can't stop looking at it and being amazed our horrible little kitchen could ever look that good... watch this space! 

2. Finding the Reading Bug Again

I find it all to easy to slip into the habit of browsing on my phone instead of reading - especially when a book isn't holding my attention but I made a conscious effort to finish it and I've been really enjoying ready again. A few chapter before going to sleep and when my boyfriend leaves early for the office another few with a cup of tea before I have to start for the day. 

3. Friday Night Chippy Tea Beside the Harbour

Last Friday I persuaded my boyfriend to go to a neighbouring village for a walk along the coast then a chippy tea at the harbour. It felt good to break the normal routine - the weather was lovely and I enjoyed the buzz around with lots of people on holiday for the summer. 

4. Getting a Project Review at Work Out of the Way

Sometimes getting things out of the way is just as good as them being successful and that's the way I felt about a project review at work this week. It wasn't great (not all my fault) but it's done and I don't have to keep thinking about it. 

5. The Anticipation of a Week Off Work

Turning my out of office on is just about one of my favourite feelings - I am so looking forward to a week off work without many plans. Just time in the house to get things done without having to stress ourselves out. Hopefully I'll feel more refreshed when I'm back in the office and ready to focus on new projects. 

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