5 Things That Made Me Happy This Week #45

Friday, October 6

In the past few weeks I've enjoyed a week off then two very busy weeks at work. I've been doing things in the evening too which has been nice to feel like I'm living my life. The free time I've had also allowed me to update with my Insta Story highlights with the adventures from the summer. 

1. A Week for Pottering Around

A couple of weeks ago my boyfriend went on a trip with his dad so I took the week off work without any plans. I just pottered around the house, enjoyed relaxed walks with the dog, did little tasks I had been struggling to find time for and it was the best week. I returned to work feeling so relaxed! 

2. Binge Watching TV

I love binge watching TV so while my boyfriend was away I got to watch so many shows that I'd fallen behind on. I watched the second half of the latest season of the 'Good Doctor', two series of 'Heart Stopper', the first series of 'Sort Your Life Out' and all the episodes of 'Wednesday'.

3. A Murder in Venice & Venice  & Dinner with my Parents

I made a plan to see a Murder in Venice in the cinema with my mum and dad before we missed out so last Thursday evening we booked tickets and I invited my mum and dad round for dinner. Having them sitting in our dining room really made me appreciate how far we've come with our renovation. The film was really good too with a couple of jump scares perfect for spooky season. 

4. Going Back to Musical Theatre Rehearsals 

One night I couldn't sleep I was searching for local musical theatre groups because I desperately needed an activity out of the house and meeting new people. I found a group just a few miles away were starting rehearsals for Sister Act and although I felt sick with nerves just messaging I took the plunge. I've been to two rehearsals now and I'm loving it. 

5. Brodie's Second Birthday

This week we celebrated Brodie's 2nd birthday - I can hardly believe our little trouble maker has left this puppy days well behind him. It was a horrible day and we both had to go into the office but after work we went to a deserted beach for a quick walk. 

Check out my latest post - Simply Cook Meal Kit and Recipe Review

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