I knew in January that 2023 would be an interesting year. My job was in limbo with restructuring at work, at the end of February I found out I was being made redundant then I started a new job doing something I didn't anticipate but ended up loving.
We had a couple of holidays booked - for my Christmas present we were off to Disneyland Paris in January then going to Milan to see Coldplay for Scott's birthday in June. Of course it hasn't all been joyful - in the summer both my aunt and uncle died of cancer. It felt very sudden and to have them both taken from us was heartbreaking and still difficult to process.
However, I wanted to kick off the year by sharing some of the highlights, the things that made me happy in 2023.
As part of our Disney trip we spent a very cold but very enjoyable 24 hours in Paris. Our aim was to see as many of the main tourist sights in one day as we could and I think we achieved it.

Brodie has been a joy too - he turned two in October so things have changed drastically since he was a puppy. Long walks and lazy afternoons are some of his favourites I'm sure.
Finally our kitchen renovation was completed - we titled the splash back in February then the flooring was fitting in March. At the time I was so in love with it I just sat in the room feeling very happy with our hard work.
Coldplay is Scott's favourite bands and I was more than happy to enjoy a week in Italy. It was such a good trip, the food was amazing and Coldplay at the San Siro were brilliant.
Scott and I got to celebrate our first friends getting married in July - it was such a fun day. We stayed in a Wigam near the venue and loved it so much we visited another location for an autumnal getaway later in the year.
Summer overall was lovely and we got to enjoy plenty of beach walks and adventures with Brodie. In the picture above we are exploring Pittenweem in Fife.
2023 was the year I finally caved and bought a paddle board - sadly after I bought it the weather turned and it was difficult to get a calm day to go out but I'm excited to make the most of the whole 2024 season.
The Ocean at the End of the Lane has to be another highlight - I bought the tickets for my mums birthday because we both loved the book and it didn't disappoint. I am raving about how good it was now.
Speaking of an autumnal getaway, in November we took Brodie on his first holiday to the Wigams at Tomintoul in the Scottish Highlands. We could have asked for a better break - long walks then cosy evenings in the Wigwam.
And that brings us to the end of the year and I felt so grateful for 2023 being full of joy between the sadness and 2024 holds so much promise. We had a lovely family Christmas then days of doing nothing which was bliss.
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